Best Practices to Create High-Converting Landing Page Designs in Figma

Keyur Vadhadia
5 min readJun 12, 2024


The designer and marketer must understand the importance of having landing pages which highly convert. This is important for a lot of reasons such as driving traffic to your website, generating leads as well as increasing sales. Consequently, this page is excellently designed to capture the attention of target customers and explain why they should purchase or subscribe to the product or service. In today’s digital world where attention span is short and competition is high, every part of your landing page design must be thoughtfully created in order to have a greater impact.

Figma has become a favorite for many designers and marketers who want to create beautiful and effective landing pages. Using an interactive interface, rich features as well as collaboration, it helps the designers in actualizing these concepts of landing pages and ensure conversions.

This post will take you through some of the best practices that are used when creating high converting landing page designs on Figma. This way, your landing pages should be attractive to look at but also lead visitors to complete a specific task.

1. Clear and compelling headline Your landing page headline is the first thing that catches visitor’s eyes and should immediately communicate your offer’s core value proposition. A well-written heading not only gets noticed, piques curiosity but also sets tone for the rest of the page. In Figma, try various typographic styles such that you can differentiate from each other by size or color to make eye-catching headlines which resonate with your target market.

2. Strategic Use of Whitespace Whitespace, or negative space, is a powerful design element that can significantly impact the user experience of your landing page. When used strategically, whitespace can help create a sense of order, clarity, and focus, preventing overcrowding and visual clutter. In Figma, leverage the layout and spacing tools to strike the right balance between content and whitespace, ensuring that your landing page design remains clean, organized, and visually appealing.

3. Compelling Visuals and Imagery Visual elements, such as images and graphics, play a crucial role in capturing and retaining visitor attention on your Landing Page Design. Choose visuals that not only complement your brand’s aesthetic but also effectively communicate the essence of your offering. In Figma, you can easily import and manipulate images, create custom graphics, and experiment with different layouts and compositions to find the perfect visual representation for your landing page.

4. Clear and Prominent Call-to-Action (CTA) Your landing page’s call-to-action (CTA) is the ultimate goal — the action you want visitors to take, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting a demo. Make sure your CTA stands out prominently, using contrasting colors, strategic placement, and persuasive language. In Figma, you can design eye-catching CTA buttons, experiment with different styles and placements, and ensure that your CTA is both visually appealing and action-oriented.

5. Social Proof and Testimonials Social proof and testimonials can be powerful persuasion tools, helping to build trust and credibility with potential customers. Incorporate customer reviews, success stories, or industry recognitions into your landing page design to showcase the value and reliability of your offering. In Figma, you can create dedicated sections or strategically place social proof elements throughout the page to reinforce your brand’s trustworthiness.

6. Technology or Skill of Mobile Responsiveness Ensure that the design of the landing page is optimized for mobile viewing since a lot of users are using their gadgets to access websites and landing pages. Figma, through its responsive designs feature enables you to preview and customize your design irrespective of screen resolution or size people use to visit a site.

7. Specificity in Branding The same should be replicated in your web page format so that it becomes similar with other methods of branding such as messages and visual communication. By making a style guide on Figma, one can maintain and create consistency in his website designs from company’s colors, typography and some other graphic elements which results into total compatibility among different brands’ websites.

8. Making a high-converting landing page is an iterative operation that consists of carrying out continuous tests and changes. Figma’s collaboration and versioning features make it simple to create different design options, which allow you to perform AB testing and collect valuable user feedback. You can then review metrics and user behavior, identify areas for improvement, and iterate on your landing page design for the purposes of achieving maximum returns on conversions.

9. In Accessibility as well as Inclusivity Making landing pages keeping accessibility in mind are not only compliant with web accessibility standards but also provide an all-inclusive experience for each visitor regardless of their ability or situation. In Figma there are built-in accessibility features such as color contrast checkers or keyboard navigation simulators that ensure your landing page design is accessible to everyone who uses it.

Figma has powerful functionality that you can apply to create landing page designs that are attractive and appealing to your intended audience but at the same time, direct them towards taking the aimed action. However, remember that it is an iterative effort of creating landing pages that convert highly which should be consistently tested, iterated and optimized based on user feedback and analytics.

Adopt Figma’s collaborative approach to design as well as a user-centered approach and you will realize successful landing pages with conversions through increased brand loyalty thereby making your business prosper.



Keyur Vadhadia

Upwork Top Rated Plus UX/UI Designer, I'm Keyur, a certified figma UX/UI Designer